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With Dust Cover - Mange på lager$114.90 USD$214 USD
Only Dollhouse
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$94.90 USD$194 USD
Sunshine Study Room DIY Dollhouse Kit
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Dyk ned i vores samling af miniaturesæt, hvor kreativiteten kender ingen grænser. Perfekt til voksne, hvert sæt forvandler din hylde til en fascinerende scene, der blander historiefortælling med kunstfærdigt design. Lav din egen miniatureverden og bring din fantasi til live.
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Garanteret sikker udtjekning
☀️ Create Your Sunshine Haven: Sunshine Study Room DIY Dollhouse Kit
Step into the warmth of your own Sunshine Study Room with the Sunshine Study Room DIY Dollhouse Kit. This delightful kit offers more than just a miniature model – it's an invitation to unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in the art of DIY craftsmanship. In this review, we'll uncover the charming features, creative potential, and the joy of building your own sunshine-filled sanctuary.
Unveiling the Sunshine Study Room DIY Dollhouse Kit: Features and Specifications
The Sunshine Study Room DIY Dollhouse Kit brings warmth and creativity to your fingertips. Let's explore its features and specifications:
☀️ Vibrant Design: Packed with colorful step-by-step instruction manuals, this kit ensures a pleasant and clear assembly experience, making it perfect for DIY enthusiasts of all levels.🏡 Creative Expression: From sanding and bonding to modeling and placement, this kit offers endless opportunities for customization and personalization, allowing you to create a unique sunshine-filled haven.
🌟 Realistic Details: With high-quality materials and accurately cut wooden parts, including LED lights, furniture, and decorations, this dollhouse epitomizes the charm of a real home, complete with realistic furnishings and clever designs.

📐 Specifications:
- Material: Wood, fabric, paper, resin, plastic, metal
- Finished Size: 27 x 26 30.5cm
- Scale: 1:12
- Safety Information: Choking hazard - small parts, not suitable for children under 3 years old
Embrace the Joy of DIY: Crafting Your Sunshine Sanctuary
Let the Sunshine Study Room DIY Dollhouse Kit be your canvas for creativity and self-expression. Here's what awaits:
🌞 Sense of Achievement: Experience the satisfaction of building your own sunshine-filled study room, complete with charming furniture, vibrant decor, and inviting LED lights.🎨 Family Bonding: Share the joy of DIY with family, friends, and loved ones as you work together to bring your miniature masterpiece to life.
🏡 Versatile Decoration: Whether placed on a table, desk, or hung on a window, this dollhouse adds warmth and beauty to any home or office space, making it a versatile and eye-catching decoration.

The Perfect Gift: Sharing Love and Creativity
Surprise your loved ones with the Sunshine Study Room DIY Dollhouse Kit, a gift that embodies love, creativity, and craftsmanship. Here's why it's the perfect choice:
🎁 Expression of Love: Express your deep affection and appreciation for your loved ones with a thoughtful and heartfelt gift that they can cherish and enjoy for years to come.🏡 Creative Inspiration: Spark the imagination of DIY enthusiasts and miniature craft lovers with this creative and engaging gift that offers endless possibilities for customization and personalization.

Package Contents and Safety Information: Your Complete DIY Experience
Your journey with the Sunshine Study Room DIY Dollhouse Kit begins with:
📦 Package Contents: A DIY house, all furniture and items shown in the picture (DIY required), LED light, and color manual. Each kit undergoes a meticulous 100% inspection to ensure completeness and quality.⚠️ Safety Information: Please note that this kit contains small parts and is not suitable for children under 3 years old. Glue, tools, and batteries are not included.
In conclusion, the Sunshine Study Room DIY Dollhouse Kit offers more than just a creative pastime – it's a journey of self-expression, joy, and imagination. Whether you're a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a novice crafter, this kit invites you to unleash your creativity and create a miniature masterpiece that radiates warmth and sunshine. Embrace the joy of DIY, share the gift of creativity, and let the Sunshine Study Room illuminate your world with its vibrant charm. ☀️🏡
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It is a piece that comes in parts you have to put together delicately, all the elements come in the small bag, I still do not arm it I am looking forward to the result
How the photo
They are beautiful and complete. Arrived very fast
I do not arrive in box, but if I arrive in a ziploc-type bag with all its accessories inside, bring instructions, everything is very clear and detailed, I almost finished it, only that this set brought the broken chair and the piece did not come even if it was separate, but it is something very simple that can be fixed.