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$74 USD
$104 USD

Short description

Dive into our collection of Miniature Kits, where creativity knows no bounds. Perfect for adults, each kit transforms your shelf into a mesmerizing scene, blending storytelling with artful design. Craft your own miniature world and bring your imagination to life.


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Shipping and Delivery

🎈Við kynnum grípandi Travel With The Wind Up Movie Þema DIY Book Nook Kit: 📚

Farðu í duttlungafullt ferðalag um heillandi kvikmyndaheim með okkar Travel With The Wind Up kvikmyndaþema DIY Bóka Nook Up Kit. Innblásið af töfrum kvikmynda, blæs þetta módelsett lífi í heillandi og flókið atriði sem minnir á uppáhalds kvikmyndaævintýrin þín. Þetta DIY sett er nákvæmlega hannað og hannað til að kveikja forvitni og lofar klukkustundum af yfirgripsmikilli byggingu, sem leiðir af sér tímalausan skrautmun fyrir hvaða bókahillu eða vinnu sem er.

Eiginleikar vöru:

  • 🌲 Hágæða efni:
  • 💡 Rafrænt sett: Er með líkamsnæmt LED ljós, sem bætir kraftmikilli og líflegri tilfinningu við þrautina þína.
  • 🎈 Skapandi hönnun: Líflegar blöðrur, viðkvæm hús og götur sem minna á atriði úr „Up“ sem fara með þig í eftirminnilegt þrautaferðalag.


  • Efni: Viður, blek og forsamsett rafeindasett
  • Mál: 180 - 80- 245 mm / 7.171.359.65in
  • Þyngd: Um 1 kg
book nook up

Ferðast með vindinum" 3D tré ráðgáta bókaborð

Vörulýsing: Farðu í heillandi ferð ímyndunaraflsins með Travel With The Wind Up Kvikmyndaþema DIY Blíka Nook Kit 3D ráðgáta bókastoð, þar sem hver hluti vefur töfrandi sögu.

🌟 Þessi hönnun er innblásin af hinni ástsælu teiknimynd „Up“ og fangar rómantíkina og ævintýralegan anda myndarinnar. Þessi þraut, sem er unnin úr hágæða viði og bleki, sameinar flókið handverk og nútímalegt rafeindasett, sem býður upp á óviðjafnanlega þrautaupplifun.


    • Púslhlutar

    • 1* Rafeindasett
    • 1* Enskar samsetningarleiðbeiningar
    • 1* Djúpspegill
    • 8* Hnetur
    • 1* skrúfjárn

    Samsetning og öryggi:

    ⚠️ Viðvörun: Inniheldur litla hluta. Hentar ekki börnum yngri en 3 ára vegna köfnunarhættu.

    Áður en þú byrjar skaltu athuga aukabúnaðarbúnaðinn þinn samkvæmt fylgihlutalistanum. Lím þarf að nota á ákveðnum stöðum. Eftir að hafa límt límið, láttu hlutinn vera ósnortinn í tvær klukkustundir til að tryggja þétt tengsl. Þú getur valið að pússa bitana að vild áður en þú límir þá saman.

    ⚠️ Mikilvæg áminning:

    1. Þú þarft að undirbúa kísill fljótandi lím og þrjú AAA rafhlöður sjálfur þar sem flugsamgöngur banna að þær séu teknar með.

    2. Um ljósabúnað fyrir skynjara: Heill rafeindabúnaður - Ekki taka í sundur; vinsamlegast notaðu það beint. Skynjaraljósið slokknar eftir 1-2 mínútur og ef nýr skynjari finnst innan þess tíma endurstillast hann. Svið skynjarans (0,5m-3m) er breytilegt eftir umhverfishita, með styttri skynjunarfjarlægð þegar hitastigið er nálægt líkamshita mannsins.

    3. Um djúpsýnisspegilinn: Virka: Bætir dýpt og vídd við atriðisrýmið. Vinsamlegast fjarlægðu hlífðarfilmuna af speglinum fyrir samsetningu (hliðin með merkimiðanum). Kaupathugið: Upplifðu rómantíkina og ævintýrið í myndinni „Up“. Bættu þessum stórkostlega 3D ráðgáta bókastoð í körfuna þína og færðu snert af rómantík og lit í bókahilluna þína eða vinnustöðina! 📚✨ #upmoviebooknook

    How long does it take to arrive once shipped?

    All orders are promptly processed and shipped from our domestic and international warehouses, choosing the quickest shipping method available for your location. Typically, it takes one to three business days for us to handle and process your order. The estimated delivery timeframe ranges from 5 to 20 business days, depending on your location. You might receive your items even sooner. Please consider potential postal delays during our busy season, as they are beyond our control. Additional factors like distance, customs, and natural disasters may also contribute to further postal delays.

    Will I receive a tracking number for my package?

    Tracking numbers will be provided as soon as we are able to ship your order. Occasionally, unforeseen delays may occur that are out of your control, such as postal delays or customs inspections. We appreciate your patience and understanding in such situations.

    What do I do if my order is lost in the mail?

    Rest assured, each order is shipped with insurance for both shipping and handling to prevent lost packages. If, for any reason, your order gets held at customs, lost in transit, or is returned to us, we’ve got you covered. Once your package leaves our warehouse, the postal service is out of our control. However, in these cases, as the packages are insured, we will promptly send you a replacement package with priority shipping and full tracking if possible. Please refer to our refund and return policy for situations where these provisions might be applicable to shipping.

    Will I be charged import fees or taxes?

    All prices on our website are displayed in USD, with all taxes fully covered on our end. However, depending on your location and your local laws, you may be responsible for paying duties and taxes upon receiving your order. Import taxes, duties, and related customs fees may be levied once your order reaches its destination, as determined by your local customs office. We recommend seeking additional guidance based on your location and the relevant import laws.

    What about extended delays that are out of your control?

    In certain instances, the delivery time may exceed our policy’s stated duration. If this occurs, please reach out to us as soon as possible, and we’ll make every effort to assist you in resolving any situation within our control.

    5-14 BUSINESS DAYS 🇺🇸 United States 🇬🇧 United Kingdom (due to border changes, shipping is currently limited to Royal Mail Airmail) 🇳🇴 – Norway 🇨🇭 – Switzerland 🇮🇹 – Italy 🇫🇷 – France 🇪🇸 – Spain 🇧🇪 – Belgium 🇩🇪 – Germany 🇳🇱 – Netherlands 🇮🇱 – Israel 7-17 BUSINESS DAYS 🇦🇺 Australia 🇳🇿 New Zealand 🇨🇦 Canada 🇸🇬 Singapore 🇰🇷 – South Korea 🇦🇪 – UAE 🇪🇺 – Rest of Europe 8-20 BUSINESS DAYS 🇯🇵 Japan 🇧🇷 Brazil 🇺🇳 Rest of World

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 6 reviews
    Lloyd Hammes

    super fast shipping. arrived in perfect condition. can't wait to start.

    Aubrey Kemmer

    Everything has arrived in perfect condition. Very well wrapped.

    Meghan Harris

    Dust cover fits well, very happy with it, thank you

    Josh Hermann

    At the moment it is as the description, it looks very good and it arrived a little earlier than they said

    Kristian Conroy

    Perche foes:
    Juge good packed
    For the details and add the accessories
    In the sets lie there is a small Arkush of sandbag and a block for the dedication.

    To my friend, I will describe the next yak and I will give him a little Nabir.