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Alice's World Diy Book Nook Kit

$97.90 USD
$114 USD

Short description

Dive into our collection of Miniature Kits, where creativity knows no bounds. Perfect for adults, each kit transforms your shelf into a mesmerizing scene, blending storytelling with artful design. Craft your own miniature world and bring your imagination to life.


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Shipping and Delivery

🍄 🐇 Alice's World DIY Book Nook Kit: Farðu í duttlungafulla ferð 🌟

Lyftu bókasafninu þínu með nostalgíu, handverki og nýsköpun. Upplifðu gleðina við að koma saman og spennuna við að vekja Undralandið til lífsins. Heimur Alice DIY bókakrókur setti er ekki bara vara; það er gátt að minningum, neisti fyrir ímyndunarafl og leiðarljós sköpunar á hillunni þinni.

Alice's World DIY Book Nook Kit A Journey Through Wonderland

🌹 Sökkva þér niður í heillandi heim Alice's World, þar sem hvert púsluspil býður þér að endurupplifa klassískar senur úr hinni ástsælu sögu
📽️ Frá helgimyndamyndastundum til duttlungafullra ævintýra, upplifðu töfra Undralandsins í þínum eigin garði.
Alice's World DIY Book Nook Kit

Handverk Fit for a Dream

🛠️ Nákvæmni unnin úr hágæða viði, okkar DIY Book Nook Kits blanda verkfræði við list.

🎨 Nákvæmlega forskornir hlutir tryggja auðvelda samsetningu og lífga upp á hverja senu í litlu formi.

Alice's World DIY Book Nook Kit

Alice's World DIY Book Nook Kit

Lýstu upp bókmenntaflóttann þinn

💡 Umbreyttu bókahillunni þinni með nýstárlegum bókastoðum með hlýjum, glóandi ljósum.

🌙 Leyfðu ljósunum að leiða þig í gegnum Undralandsferðina þína og lýsa upp frábær smáatriði dag og nótt.

Alice's World DIY Book Nook Kit

Alice's World DIY Book Nook Kit

Alice's World DIY Book Nook Kit

Spark Joy með einstakri hönnun

🎨 Segðu bless við hversdagslegar hillur með líflegri og skapandi hönnun okkar.

📚 Breyttu bókaskápnum þínum í striga listrænnar tjáningar og fróðleiks með bókahilluinnskotum okkar.

Alice's World DIY Book Nook Kit

Hin fullkomna gjöf fyrir hvaða tilefni sem er

🎁 Tilvalið fyrir handverksáhugamenn og safnara, okkar DIY Miniature Dollhouse Bookend er yndisleg blanda af skemmtun og glæsileika.

🎉 Hvort sem er fyrir jól, hrekkjavöku, áramót eða afmæli, lofar það undrun og spennu.

Alice's World DIY Book Nook Kit

🧩 Tæknilýsing:

  • LED ljós:
  • Efni: Viður, pappír, rafeindasett, LED sett
  • Þrautastykki: 88
  • Stærðir: 184mm x 86mm x 267mm
  • Erfiðleikar: ⭐⭐⭐ (3 stjörnur)
  • Pakkalisti: Þrautahlutir, rafeindasett, enskar samsetningarleiðbeiningar

Alice's World DIY Book Nook Kit

📦 Samsetning og öryggi:

  • Áður en þú byrjar skaltu athuga aukabúnaðarbúnaðinn þinn samkvæmt fylgihlutalistanum.
  • Notaðu sílikon fljótandi lím til að líma þétt.
  • Hentar fyrir 15+
  • Farið varlega til að forðast sting frá hornum hluta.

Alice's World DIY Book Nook Kit

Alice's World DIY Book Nook Kit

⚠️ Mikilvæg áminning:

  • Útbúið sílikon fljótandi lím og 3 AA rafhlöður (fylgir ekki með).
  • Flutningur með flugi bannar rafhlöður.

Farðu í ævintýrið þitt í gegnum Undralandið með Alice's World DIY Bóka Nook Kit. Kafaðu niður í sköpunargáfu, ímyndunarafl og töfra klassískra bókmennta. 🌹📚

How long does it take to arrive once shipped?

All orders are promptly processed and shipped from our domestic and international warehouses, choosing the quickest shipping method available for your location. Typically, it takes one to three business days for us to handle and process your order. The estimated delivery timeframe ranges from 5 to 20 business days, depending on your location. You might receive your items even sooner. Please consider potential postal delays during our busy season, as they are beyond our control. Additional factors like distance, customs, and natural disasters may also contribute to further postal delays.

Will I receive a tracking number for my package?

Tracking numbers will be provided as soon as we are able to ship your order. Occasionally, unforeseen delays may occur that are out of your control, such as postal delays or customs inspections. We appreciate your patience and understanding in such situations.

What do I do if my order is lost in the mail?

Rest assured, each order is shipped with insurance for both shipping and handling to prevent lost packages. If, for any reason, your order gets held at customs, lost in transit, or is returned to us, we’ve got you covered. Once your package leaves our warehouse, the postal service is out of our control. However, in these cases, as the packages are insured, we will promptly send you a replacement package with priority shipping and full tracking if possible. Please refer to our refund and return policy for situations where these provisions might be applicable to shipping.

Will I be charged import fees or taxes?

All prices on our website are displayed in USD, with all taxes fully covered on our end. However, depending on your location and your local laws, you may be responsible for paying duties and taxes upon receiving your order. Import taxes, duties, and related customs fees may be levied once your order reaches its destination, as determined by your local customs office. We recommend seeking additional guidance based on your location and the relevant import laws.

What about extended delays that are out of your control?

In certain instances, the delivery time may exceed our policy’s stated duration. If this occurs, please reach out to us as soon as possible, and we’ll make every effort to assist you in resolving any situation within our control.

5-14 BUSINESS DAYS 🇺🇸 United States 🇬🇧 United Kingdom (due to border changes, shipping is currently limited to Royal Mail Airmail) 🇳🇴 – Norway 🇨🇭 – Switzerland 🇮🇹 – Italy 🇫🇷 – France 🇪🇸 – Spain 🇧🇪 – Belgium 🇩🇪 – Germany 🇳🇱 – Netherlands 🇮🇱 – Israel 7-17 BUSINESS DAYS 🇦🇺 Australia 🇳🇿 New Zealand 🇨🇦 Canada 🇸🇬 Singapore 🇰🇷 – South Korea 🇦🇪 – UAE 🇪🇺 – Rest of Europe 8-20 BUSINESS DAYS 🇯🇵 Japan 🇧🇷 Brazil 🇺🇳 Rest of World

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Erich Wisoky

Very good, it is very entertaining and you have a good time riding it and then it looks great.

Kaylah Schroeder
Wayne Buckridge

Super good packaging, nothing damaged.
Good description and quality